Vince Streukens
April 5, 2021Jim Mahoney
April 5, 2021My name is Brent McFadzen, and I have been part of Motorcycle Ride For Dad Saskatoon since 2018.
For me, being able to combine a passion for riding, together with the ability to help raise funds for Prostate Cancer Research and Awareness is fantastic.
We are fortunate to have a dedicated executive group, with a wide variety of skills that blend together very well.
Our ultimate goal is to provide each and every participant in our events with the best possible experience – and to position ourselves as a well-respected leader within the local charitable community.
Given the significant impact that COVID has had on our ability to provide our traditional one-day event, we have been able to pivot our fundraising strategies, and develop new and exciting ways to engage with our supporters electronically, and via social media.