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Join us in the fight against prostate cancer.
Ride For Dad

Recently, 123 men attended a Prostate Cancer Awareness Event.
These men received a PSA blood test at the Winchester District Memorial Hospital in Ontario supported by the Ottawa Motorcycle Ride For Dad, the Nation Valley ATV Club, the Black Walnut Prostate Cancer Support Group and Prostate Cancer Support Ottawa.
123 men were tested and 20 men were flagged with a high PSA number requiring a follow-up with their doctor!
This event was a result of many incredible partners continuing to work together to save men’s lives in the fight against prostate cancer.

About Us

Established in 2000, the Ride For Dad and its charitable arm, the Prostate Cancer Fight Foundation, have a mission to save men’s lives by funding prostate cancer research and raising awareness about the disease across Canada.

To date, the Ride For Dad fight against prostate cancer has raised over $37 million. Join the fight today!

Who We Are

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Reasons to Give

I met a man who didn’t look ill even though he had Prostate Cancer. He said that if someone had told him about the PSA test a year earlier, he wouldn’t be arranging his own funeral. I was shocked!

Not long after, Charlie passed away. I soon learned that a eleven men in Canada die from prostate cancer every day and that a simple PSA blood test can help detect the disease! Since that day I have been raising funds and awareness to fight prostate cancer.

Garry Janz 

Co-Founder Ride For Dad 

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100% of proceeds go to fight prostate cancer.





Three raised hands



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